
Church Boy Lou was born from a dream in the summer of 2014. A captivating and enigmatic figure, created by the innovative, genre-bending, DIRT TECH RECK label head Waajeed. Recently crowned DJ Mag’s Underground Hero and just off the heals of his lead single with Defected’s Dames Brown, he continues to cultivate rhythms from the pews of the Baptist church. This second offering from Church Boy Lou embodies the same spirit and uniqueness as his first release, Weep EP in 2015.

“The Night Is Coming” brings you the first hand experience of a minister leading his church with the Word of God. These heartfelt lyrics warn of the dark times ahead of us. However, “Keep On Praying” brings a positive note and beckons us to the dance floor. “Push Em’ in the Face” skillfully integrates high energy Chicago Jack house and techno. Rolling snares and energetic beats fuse with powerful lyrics to face all challenges head on.

This well composed four track offering has an opener, closer and prime time options for all DJ’s across the board. With a sonic steeping of gospel samples and an authenticity that could only come from Detroit City.

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SKU: 210000000907 Categories: , , Tags: ,
Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 13 × 13 × 0.2 in